The launch timeframe for Chandrayaan-3 has been set between July 13 and July 19, according to ISRO Chairman


According to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman S Somnath, the launch date for Chandrayaan-3 for a gentle landing on the moon is July 13. 

"We will be able to land on the moon softly." The launch date is July 13, but it might be extended to the 19th," ISRO Chairman S Somnath stated in an interview with ANI on the launch of Chandrayaan-3. 

He stated that the launch will take place on July 13. However, it may be extended until July 19.

Earlier on June 28, S Somanath, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation, said that Chandrayaan-3 testing is complete and that the launch window is set between July 12 and 19.

"The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft is currently fully integrated." We finished testing and also mated with the rocket chamber... Currently, the launch window is between July 12 and July 19, and we will choose the earliest available day, either the 12th, 13th, or 14th. "After all of the tests are completed, we will announce the exact date," Somanath told ANI.

Earlier in June, he provided an update on the Aditya-L1 Mission, India's first mission to study the Sun, and stated that ISRO is aiming for an August end launch date.

The ISRO chairman also discussed the Artemis Accords, believing that it is a chance for Indian space businesses to collaborate with US enterprises.

"We see the Artemis Accord as a political engagement with the United States." It is a declaration of intent that when the United States proposes joint cooperation in the space sector, particularly the exploration of distant planets in a friendly climate with other nations, we accept. As a result, it makes a strong statement. We would prefer to collaborate with the United States, particularly on advanced technology such as space. It would provide opportunity for Indian space firms to collaborate with US companies who are also active in the space domain," he said.

"So the advancement of electronics, new processors, and the centre takes place in the United States, and this access to this new technology for the Indian company is so important for them to innovate and bring up value, which will give them an opportunity to market them in the United States market." This is precisely the goal of the United States. As a result, we want to ensure that Indian industries contribute to the US space programme. It's not looking good right now. So, the sooner the US perceives it as an opportunity, the better, since Indian firms have technological strength now, cost-effectiveness, and a shorter development cycle time, all of which they want to capitalise on. So the whole goal of this whole accord signing is for the interest of the US as well as the good of India," he continued.


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